Leah (Grace to me) and Dave met at the gym. :-) I suggested taking some pictures there between the treadmills where they like to run a crazy, insane amount of miles, but they said it was too crowded. So, I'm still up for it if anyone else is! lol
We went to the next place that they spend a lot of time running...the C&O Canal in Harpers Ferry. It was only appropriate that we take pictures in the place where their love started to blossom.
Let me just say that I am so damn happy for Leah Grace and Dave. I am sure I will be a mess at their wedding...a happy mess. I am so excited for you to join our family Uncle Dave! Love you both.
On with the pictures.

Thanks for being open to my wacky ideas! What?! You mean you don't normally lay in the middle of the C&O Canal??!! lol

Sis, you are gorgeous.

Canvas??? I think so!

I could not decide which one I liked the most. Which one is your favorite?

Wait...I think it might be this one.

And this is my favorite from the day. Love you Leah Grave and Dave! I'm honored to be a part of your wedding. hugs and kisses. mwah!

And we are soooo excited to have Leah joining our family...along with her gorgeous sister(s)...haven't met the other sister in Australia yet! Great job on the images....I know they will look back at these and treasure them always......Sara (Dave's mom)