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Robin Day

Welcome to my BLOG! I am a photographer based in Charles Town, WV. My blog is where I show some of my recent work as well as some personal stuff. If you are interested, you can contact me at Feel free to look around and leave me a comment. I love comments!
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August 25, 2009

Emma Grace: 7 months {Little Bird}

So, Emma is a regular on my blog. It's true I am obsessed with her. I cannot get enough of her cute little fat rolls and gerber face. She is a beautiful model just like her mommy.


Signature Bird

August 20, 2009

Vincent and Kelli: Love Birds

Vincent and I have been friends since fourth grade! Ya, that's pretty cool huh?! We even worked together at one point. He was actually by "boss". Now, he is a deputy for the sheriff's department in Jefferson county. He is a poster child of hard work and community service. Not only is a police office, he is also a volunteer firefighter. I just cannot say enough good things about the man Vincent has become. A true role model. Kelli really snagged herself a good one. ;-)

Even though I just met Kelli at their photo session, I already know she is a wonderful person. Kelli is in school to be a nurse. What a perfect pair; a police officer and a nurse. The only thing better is a quater back and a cheerleader. Ok, so not a very funny joke.
Just a side note. When I told Vincent and Kelli to stand by the peaches, Kelli says "but I am allergic to peaches!" Ok, well just stand by the peaches but don't touch. :-)

Then, it was off to the most awesome field EVER! I will definitley be going back there. I must tell some awesome jokes to make you laugh or maybe there's something in my hair?! lol

I know not everybody will like this picture, but I don't really care because it's my artwork and I like it. :D

I didn't notice the awesome ring in Kelli's middle finger until I started editing the photos. I think it's a heart shaped diamond.

AYKM? Favorite! Now, that's how you snuggle.

Don't kill me Vince. I love this picture.

Hello, hot stuff!

Vincent gets all the credit for this awesome picture of the GORGEOUS Kelli.

Love these old ruins. True we did have to hop a fence that said stay out, but who cares I was with a cop! LOL

I love how Vincent looks at Kelli. It so indearing.

Kelli, thank you for being so darn cute.

At the end of the session, the light was PERFECT!

Love it!

Second favorite!

Again, awesome nose to nose snuggles!

Third Favorite...I can have as many favorites as I want to. :-)

Thanks Vincent and Kelli, you guys rock! To view the slideshow click HERE

Signature Bird

August 19, 2009

Vincent and Kelli: Sneak Peak

Just a little sneak peak of Vincent and Kelly's love shoot. More to come soon...promise!

Signature Bird

August 15, 2009

Sneak Peak of an Awesome Saturday

Good friends and a glass of wine is all I need to recharge my soul. Hopefully,the next picture will include a belly on my end. ;-)

Finally, I got my picture with my Emma Doo!

The most beautiful baby on Earth!

Signature Bird