I think that's the "do I have to look at you" look.

Now, that's better! Hey Miss Brenna!

This is all Grace on this one! It reminds me of a four-year-old's wedding gown! lol

Couldn't decide...so I posted them both.

Say Cheese!!!!

Blayne sure does know how to make her laugh!

She looks so mischievous in this picture.

Then, Blayne did some more monkey dances.

Just like a miniature, red headed Cinderella! I know Grace like this one but.....

I really liked this one.

A flower for Aunt Robin?

Adorable. I should hire Blayne to make kids laugh in pictures.

FAVORITE! She looks like such a little model. Look at those LONG eyelashes!

Do I have to? Fine.. "CHEESE!"

Twirl, Brenna, Twirl!

Ready, set....


Weeeeeeeeee! So fun!

Do you think Aunt Robin will notice that I just picked these flowers? So innocent.

And a re-post because I LOVE this picture and it's my FAVORITE! Yes, I have two favorites.

I guess it's pretty obvious that Brenna is my niece. She just turned four! Wow! I cannot believe she is so big. It seems like last year I was toting her around to Blayne's preschool and changing her diapers! And on that note, here are some baby pictures of Brenna...such a cute little chunky baby! I love it! Fat babies are the best, adn the best for some great looking arms! So, here you go Grace. I hope you enjoyed sharing these with all the ladies in Labor and Delivery who work the graveyard shift! Have a nice night ladies.
9 months

1 year

that one from behind that you really liked is my favorite :) beautiful!